Inventory Optimizer Guide

Basic introduction to the Inventory Optimizer

The groups

In this section, the optimizer will list all the items that can be obtained through Gil purchases, this group will likely be the area you'll make use of the ignore item function (explained below).

Very handy if you have a bunch of items worth a few gil taking up space.

This group only shows items worth gil and 0 beast tribe rep (so no unwelcome beast tribe requirements)

Ignored Items

You will likely hit a point where you run into limited or unique items in one of the three groups.

To hide an item, simply press the red eye icon

I would recommend as you come across items you find to be unique, to ignore them as you go, this will stop you constantly seeing items you don't plan to discard or sell.

If you were to accidentally add something to the ignore list, or as time goes on no longer be relevant, that is where Show ignored items comes in.

While in this mode, you can press the Blue eye icon to remove it from the ignore list.

Requirements for using Optimizer

Due to the need for TC to know what your inventory and retainers have, you need to use the Teamcraft client with data parsing turned on. It is also recommended to clean your inventory and rebuild it before using the optimizer for the first time, to make sure you have up to date information.

Last updated