How to secure your lists properly
Permissions (aka permissions management) is a way for the users to define what other users can do with their lists, it can connect to the FC system to apply FC-wide permissions and is a nice way to secure your lists and avoid other users to see them or edit them.
Permission levels
The permissions system is implemented inside the client and inside the database system directly, enabling the buttons back when you are read-only will only edit the list inside your Teamcraft client and won't save anything.
For the rest of this page, we'll use permission levels directly using their names, here are the definitions of each level, with what they imply for the target of the permission. keep in mind that this list is ordered and any level has its own permissions plus all the ones below.
OWNER, this is you, the creator of the list, you can give this level of permission to any other user, this gives you all the permissions on a given list, including the right to delete it.
WRITE, this permission level allows you to add items to the list and remove items from the list.
PARTICIPATE, this is the default permission for the other users (except if you changed it inside your settings). It allows the users to report progression inside the list, check them as done and comment the items.
READ, this allows the user to see the list and read its content, a user with READ permission level will see the list as read-only, with all the inputs and buttons disabled.
NONE, this permission level allows nothing, meaning that the users with this permission level wont be able to see the list, it'll show them a message saying they can't access the list or it's not found.
The permission levels priority is made so a user will always have the max value possible when the system has to choose. Meaning that if you set a whole FC to WRITE level and one specific user to READ, it won't have any effect on this user, as the FC will grant him the WRITE level. Another element to keep in mind is that FC-wide permissions only work with verified accounts, for security reasons.
Edit permissions
You can access the permissions system using the "..." button on lists and workshops, a button is also available inside list details page, located in the top-left corner of the details page.
Once you opened the permissions system using one of the ways listed above, you'll see the permissions management dialog box.
Here you can manage permissions for the linked Free Companies (1), users (2) and everyone else (3).
Last updated