Layout System
A guide on how to use the layout system
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A guide on how to use the layout system
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On any list, look to the top left and you will find the layout button.
Layouts allow you to customize the order in which you wish to have your materials displayed, this means you can scale your list to have a nice simple long list, or a much more in-depth breakdown, all the way to vendor items, timed nodes, gathering, etc...
Layout Selector - Allows you to switch between saved Layouts.
Add a Layout - Allows you to create an additional layout.
Save Layout - Allows you to save changes made to current layout.
Remove Layout - Allows you to remove currently selected layout.
Export Layout - Will give you a block of code, you can share this to allow others to import your layout.
Import Layout - Use this to import an exported layout.
Enables tracking of Crystals.
Will always show a small inventory window to the right of the list.
Shows amount of an item that can be crafted with current materials.
This panel controls items, which is the final stage of the craft and the item you added to the list. This allows you to set how these are ordered (NAME, LEVEL, JOB, NONE) and (Descending / Ascending).
You can also apply Area Breakdown, though this only applies if the item in question has an area assigned.
Hide Completed rows - This will hide any items from the list that have been completed.
This is the main meat of the layout system, each of these blocks applies a filter which will allow you to order the craft that best suits you. Please go to layout customization for instruction on how these work.
These blocks are applied from top to bottom, so the filter is applied to each material, any materials that do not fit the requirements are then applied to the next block, until all items have been processed. If an item does not match any of the blocks, it will show up in others.
Use the Add Panel button to create a new filter.
Enter a name for the panel.
Under Filter select the filter you wish to apply. i.e: IS_GATHERING
You may also use buttons below to add additional functions, such as Area Breakdown, Display Crafting Tiers and Hide when Empty.
Drag the panel to the order you would like to apply it to.
Continue to create and move panels to create your ideal layout.
Once all panels have been created and moved, simply press Save.
Welcome to the part of the guide that you came here for! In this part of the guide we will explore the options in the layout system that will allow you to build your own personal layout.
This is the filter selector, below I will list all the current options and what they do, you can use the + button below to apply multiple filters to the block, and make use of the NOT to apply the opposite of the filter.
These are the current filters and what they do:
IS_CRAFT - This item can be crafted.
IS_GATHERING - This item can be gathered.
IS_TRADE - This item can be obtained by trading, not gil.
CAN_BE_BOUGHT - Can be purchased from vendors.
FROM_BEAST_TRIBE - Obtained from Beast Tribes tokens.
IS_MONSTER_DROP - This item is from monster drops.
IS_DUNGEON_DROP - This item drops in dungeons.
IS_GC_TRADE - This item can be obtained using grand company seals.
IS_TOKEN_TRADE - This item is obtained from Tokens, i.e: voidrake.
IS_TOME_TRADE - This item is obtained from Tomestones.
IS_SCRIPT_TRADE - This item is obtained using scrips.
IS_VENTURE - This item is from retainer explorations.
IS_MASTERCRAFT - This item requires a Mastercraft book.
IS_FOLKLORE - This item is a gatherable and requires a folklore book.
IS_TIMED -This item comes from Timed nodes.
IS_REDUCTION - This item is obtained from using reduction on items.
IS_CRAFTED_BY_{JOB} - This item is crafted using {JOB}
Default - Single tiered list.
Display Crafting Tiers - Breaks up items into crafting tiers.
Area Breakdown - Breaks up items into areas in the world.
Hide if Empty - Will hide the block if there are no items in this block.
Hide completed rows - Will hide the block once all the items are completed in the block.
Hide used rows - Will hide block once item is used (i.e: ore -> nuggets , but not ingots yet)
Collapse if done - Will collapse the block once all items are completed in block.
Hide zone duplicated - Will only show items in one area if area breakdown is on.
As of 5.2, you can edit the way item interactions are displayed, by either putting them inside the menu or as small buttons after the item's name.
Clicking this button will show you a basic dialog box showing all the possible interactions with items, and you get to choose if they are displayed as a menu item or as a button.
This information is stored inside the layout and shared with it if you share it, it is not bound to the list by any mean.
Now that you understand what each filter does, we shall look into how you can use multiple filters in a block to get that extra customization.
Firstly there are a few rules that apply when using multiple filters.
If you use AND, this requires the item to match Both requirements.
Like panels it applies from top to bottom, so conflicts will stop an item showing.
AND requires all conditions to apply, OR can be either, though you can do {A} OR {B} AND {C}, this will allow the condition of {A} or {B} and {C}.
NOT is the opposite of the filter, so NOT IS_CRAFT, would allow any item that CANNOT be crafted to be picked up by the filter.
Below I am going to post an example to hopefully give you an idea of how these work.
So a short explanation of how this works.
CAN_BE_BOUGHT is applied, this means that the item can be bought.
AND - so that both need to apply.
IS_CRAFT - this is used to make sure that it will only show items that can be bought but are not base materials, this is because we want to see if we can bypass some crafting steps by buying the higher tier items. IS_CRAFT tells the filter this item can be crafted pushing the tier up.
AND - so that it MUST conform to all.
NOT FROM_BEAST_TRIBE - This is because FROM_BEAST_TRIBE, is for Beast tribe tokens, we use this so that it still shows beast tribe items for gil.
Hopefully this has given you a guide on how to use the Layout system to your advantage.