Item tags

Custom filters, powerful information !


Item tags are a way to add custom tags on items, in order to sort them in a custom way or to simply show additional quick data about them.

Item tags require an account to be used, as they are saved inside your user profile.

Add tags to items

Item tags is a feature that has to be enabled inside the settings page, as it adds additional buttons to the display and you might not want these if you don't use tags at all.

To do so, open your settings page by hovering your character name in the top-right corner, and check the box saying "enable item tags". Once this is done, you can open a list and notice that new elements appeared that allow you to put tags on items. They use auto-completion so any tag you already created on another item will be suggested when adding a tag to an item.

Filter using tags

Once you have some tags setup on items, you might want to isolate them inside a panel or exclude some of them from a given layout panel.

In order to achieve this, you can add a new filter to your panel: the tag filter. Here you can select the filter type (NONE, INCLUDES or DOESN'T INCLUDE). NONE disables the tag filter, INCLUDES will only take items that have the specified tag, and DOESN'T INCLUDE will exclude them from the panel.

If you want to have a panel with only the items having a given tag, no matter what they are, you can create a new panel and use the filter type "ANYTHING", then add a tag filter to INCLUDES and use your tag name.

Last updated

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