Item lists
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First of all, there's multiple kind of lists, each kind has its own features and purpose:
Classic lists, these are the base lists that you can create on the fly, add items to, etc. All the list kinds above extend this one, meaning that they are a classic list plus some specific features.
Ephemeral lists, they are a kind of list that can be generated quickly (one button press) without having to give the list a name, they use the item's name as list name. Upon completion, ephemeral lists are deleted from the database.
Community lists, these are the lists that you can find inside the Community Lists page. They have to be tagged manually with all the topics they cover.
A list can contain anything available ingame, this includes:
Every single item in the game, you can even create a list with gil inside !
All the workshop crafts (houses, airships, submarines, etc).
With FFXIV Teamcraft 5.1, you'll even be able to create lists for items and recipes that don't exist yet or don't exist at all. Read more inside the custom items section
To create a list, search for an item and click either the "add to list" button ( ) or "create quick list" button ( ) after you edited the amount to match your needs ( ).
The Collectable checkbox will add the amount of crafts you specified, without taking yield into account, meaning that if you add a CUL recipe with collectable checkbox on and amount set to 15, it'll add 15 items with 15 crafts, not 15 items with 5 crafts. This is available only if the item can be collectable.
A list panel is a compact version of the list, where only the final items (the ones you want to craft/obtain) are listed, we're going to detail its content here.
List name, in this case it's an ephemeral list (more about ephemeral lists).
Amount of different items inside the list, this doesn't take individual amount into account, just the length of the final items array inside the list.
List tags, in this example, this is an ephemeral list, it has an automatic tag displayed to see it easily. If the list has some tags added, they are shown here.
Interaction buttons, these are the buttons you'll use to interact with the list, share it, etc. We'll check what they do from left to right
Share the list, clicking on it will copy a link to your clipboard to share the list to your friends.
Clone the list, clicking on it clones the list on your account, if the list is public, a clone counter is shown on it.
Open the list, clicking on it will redirect you to the full list details page.
Delete, clicking on it will delete the list after asking for confirmation. Deleting a list cannot be undone.
More options, this button opens a menu with more features available, detailed below.
Items listing, here you can find all the items inside the list, one by one, with an editable amount field and a delete button to remove the item.
Hovering the item icon will show you a tooltip and clicking on it will open the item details inside GarlandTools database.
The "more options" menu contains some features that are less used so they have been moved to a separate section, to avoid cluttering the panel header with too many buttons, especially for mobile users. We're going to detail each menu item in order:
Rename list allows you to rename the list.
Comments allows you to access list's comments popup to read and manage comments.
Tags allows you to access the tag popup to add, remove and edit list tags.
Permissions management opens the permission popup for this list.
Assign this list to a team opens a submenu to choose a team to assign a list to.